Let's talk
Let's talk

Mahum Haider

Hello, I am a Full-Stack Web Developer,
a Filmmaker, and a Painter. I am currently looking for work where I can enjoy the analytical and technical side of myself and indulge in the entire development process to build intuitive, fast, and beautifully designed products.

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W  74.0060°

Growing up, I was surrounded by storytellers. These storytellers connected me to my Pakistani heritage and inspired me to understand the culture I had inherited. As I learned, I wondered if there was a way to share these stories with others.
And then, I discovered a way through technology. I like solving problems and making things beautiful. Thus gradually realized technology has a unique relationship with art, and I got to combine both of these pursuits in my work doing Web and App Development.

Playground & Experiments

I love playing with new layouts, and grids.
Explore my concepts and experiment for more work

The Casting Agency Capstone

RESTful API including an Authentication & Authorization in Flask, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Design patterns using Auth0, hosted and in Heroku

Modeling Data Objects with SQLAlchemy

Routes performing CRUD Operations

Relational Database Architecture

Testing Flask Applications

Deploying applications using Heroku

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The CRUD-iest place on the web for Musicians. Create Venues, Artists, and schedule Shows.

Flask and SQLAlchemy ORM

1-to-many and many-to-many models

Migrations via Flask-Migrate

PostgreSQL as database of choice

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Trivia API

Play Trivia using this backend API written in Flask.

API endpoints with GET, POST, and DELETE methods

CORS policy to allow POST requests across different origins

Full unit tests on all routes using Python unittest library

API Documentation best practices

Integrated with React Front-end

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Deploy to Kubernetes using EKS

Deploying a Flask App to Kubernetes on AWS using AWSCLI, EKSCTL, KUBECTL, IAM, YAML

Creation of a Dockerfile for a Flask API

Creation of EKS cluster and IAM roles

Creation of CodePipeline triggered by GitHub checkins

Creation of CodeBuild stage to Build, Test, and Deploy

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Coffee Shop

An API backend for Coffee Shop

Authentication via signed JWT using the Auth0 framework

Role-Based Access Control enforces permissions on API resources

Unit Tested with Postman Test Collection

Integrated with the provided Ionic Front-end

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Travel Planner App Capstone

HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Webpack, Babel, Jest, API

Webpack Environment using an Express Server, wrapped up with Service Workers

DOM working with Objects to retrieve data from 3 APIs

NPM Unit Testing using Jest framework, Tests for Express Server and the Application JavaScript Client

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Evaluate a News Article with NLP

SASS, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, Webpack, Jest, API

A Web Tool that allows users to run (NLP) on articles and blogs

Webserver: Node, Web application framework for routing: Express

Using Webpack, the App is set up for the Dev and Prod environments

External Script: Service Worker External API: Aylien

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Weather Journal App

JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, API, CSS, HTML

Chain Promises that updates the UI Dynamically

Event Listeners

Fetch API with credentials and user input to get dynamic data into the App Routes

An Asynchronous function that uses fetch() to make a GET request to the OpenWeatherMap API

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Personal Blog Website

HTML and CSS skills to build a Personal Blog Website

Custom Images, layouts, and styling

Flexbox and Grids

Responsive Web Design

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Mobile and Web Design

I always strive to create memorable experiences that are aesthetically appealing, functional and distinctive. Whether it's inspiring marketing websites, convincing e-commerce sites or apps that are truly beneficial to users.

Art Direction

With my extensive experience in creating everything digital, I'm able to establish a strong foundation in the choice of cinematography, color and photography to ensure that users perceive the brand and presence in a consistent way.

Visual Design

I make sure that a visual identity can be used to its full extent throughout all touchpoints in an accessible and user-friendly way. Not just timeless, but usable in todays digital world.